Tuccitique is an episodic series that follows Samuel Pelaez, a salesman forced to start a new job apprenticing at a chic bridal boutique, after losing his beloved position at the branching designer store. Saumuel is a fish out of water working the bridal world, and feeling insufficient starting anew after accomplishing g top salesman at his prior position. He is challenged to put aside his pride and embrace the position of “student” again, working for commission, making the new brand and boss proud, and competing against coworkers; including one arch nemesis, his ex-beard highschool girlfriend, Michelle. During the show’s course, Sammy must learn how to balance work, life, and love, with his relationship and career at stake.
Season 1 focuses on Samuel’s working up from apprenticeship to salesman, and gaining respect and confidence at his new position. His relationship with his partner is tested somewhat as he directs most of his energy towards his work. He attempts to winover new boss and mentor, Tabitha Tucci, as well as make good relationships with his team. His rivalry with Michelle is at an all time high and they experience a great arc of enemies to frenemies throughout. Although towards the end of the season they are able to somewhat make amends and work competitively and friendly, once a new competition to design the Tucci daughter’s, Valencia Tucci’s, wedding dress is presented, their conflict ensues.